Life is nothing but a struggle to make yourself a better person.You succeed some days and you fail miserably on others. But you keep trying anyway. Or I do, at least. Its an uphill battle, but like I said, that's pretty much all life is about.
People will hurt you. They will make you angry and they will make you cry. Not because they're bad people or because they're wrong. Things just work out like that sometimes. Even the most wonderful and amazing of people will end up hurting you more than you thought was possible. They will say things that will make your heart fill with so much pain that it'll take your breath away for a second because that shouldn't be possible, right? No one should be able to hurt you that much with just words, right? Stick and stones may break your bones but words really can hurt you more.
You can either spend your time being hurt and angry and miserable- and I know that's tempting. Because someone hurt you and made you feel bad and its not fair and why can't people just be nice and make things okay when they fuck up? Or either, you can just let it go. Its not okay for people to hurt you but no one does it just because they can. They don't make up things to hurt you. Everything has a modicum of truth to it, at the very least. It just tends to get buried under all the harsh words- but no one is completely wrong. Sometimes, you just need to take a step back and let go of all the pain and anger in your heart to really see what's going on.
Maybe my epiphany is short-lived. They usually are. But I know holding on to things will just make everything hurt more. I need to learn how to forgive and forget and just let things go.
A lot easier said than done, but like I said, life is nothing but a struggle to change yourself and be a better you. So here goes nothing!